

To create conditions for secure and professionally managed migration.


The Office for Foreigners in its activities carried out within the framework of applicable laws implements the policy of the state and ensures the protection of its interests. The Office actively participates in the development of Polish law and practice.

The Office ensures reliable conduct of administrative proceedings in the area of international protection. It provides a social assistance and medical care during the process taking into account the special needs of applicants in particular minors. It strives to guarantee foreigners wishing to live in Poland a high quality procedures related to their stay.

It constantly improves customer service, modernizes its own infrastructure, develops IT systems, and increases access to digital services. It strives to become an attractive and friendly workplace.

The Office develops partner relationships with other institutions and organizations dealing with migration both in Poland and at international level. It provides expert support to states that are under particular migratory pressure.

It disseminates knowledge about migration issues.